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Pleadings from the Pleiades

by Ken Jones

I always look forward to hearing or reading Ken Jones’ poems. You can count on an honest-in your face report-that allows the possibility of a new insight and/or focus into even the most discursive of subjects. In Pleadings from the Pleiades, the reader will discover an amazing mixture of classical, modern, philosophic, religious, even science fictional images juxtaposed in a most intricate manner. The voice of a mind that is well-verse in literature and the world and though already brimming with knowledge to impart, hungry for more

Dave Parsons, Winner of the Texas Review Poetry Prize and Poet Laureate of Montgomery County

Ken Jones reveals himself to be an adroit and wise poet. Unlike so many of his generation, his poems are full of ancient allusions and historical and Biblical references in fresh context. His techniques include surprising and slant rhymes and he is also capable of unusual syntax, nimble enjambment and deft closure. This is the sort of book that makes a reputation

Robert Phillips, former Professor of English/Director of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Houston




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